No One Will Save You

No One Will Save You . . . from how unbelievable this movie is?

For most of its runtime, it’s an impressive and gripping watch—a sci-fi horror with writing that’ll keep you guessing and acting that’ll have you sweating! But at some point, it’ll confuse you; and by doing so, it just may lose you.

The movie follows Brynn, who lives alone, and is clearly lonely. Though her home and town seem quaint, they seem to be missing needed connections.

Seems cozy, though!

Soon enough we learn why, and soon after that, the spooks begin: Thing(s) seem to be visiting Brynn’s house at night. My oh my are these moments scary, and zero dialogue adds to the natural tension, making you almost wanna scream.

All this makes for a fun and striking watch, for sure! But don’t be disappointed when you can’t find a deeper message: What the movie gains from technique, it loses from screenwriting that tries to do too much. To say that there’s a resolution here, other than the credits rolling, would be an overstatement.